The silkworm rearing is an unearned income occupation of agriculturists in Thailand who're the mulberry cultivation and Silkworm rearing. Problem of the filature process is the caterpillar piercing the cocoon after the life time of it's over. In this paper, we propose an automatic of the Silk dryer oven for a community with close-loop control aims to improve the efficiencies of silk productivity and increase the silk productions. The Silk dryer oven has the size of 4 cubic meters capable for drying the silkworm approximate to 40 kilograms per hour. Liquefied Natural Gas (LPG) is used to the energy for drying process. The system controlled utilized microprocessor with programming used to control the timer, the temperature and the moistures of the Silkworm drying process. There are two electronic igniter circuit used for gas ignition, two-infrared burners and two exhaustion fans for heat dissipation with the power consumption is 186.5 watts. From the results, the performance of silk dryer oven has the energy consumption 1.37 kilograms of LPG and 0.5 kilowatts per hour of an electrical current. The maximum temperature for the Silk dryer oven is 84 degree celsius. The moistures of dried silkworm decreased to 13.48% from the silkworm is 27 kilograms at 2 hour. Resulting of performance testing is shown the reel ability, the tenacity and the elongation are still within the standard. © 2012 ICROS.