Training Materials

The ASEAN Haze Portal was developed as an online platform/repository that serves as the ASEAN knowledge management platform on sustainable peatland and haze management. The platform serves as a repository of knowledge products on peatlands and haze in ASEAN including training materials from capacity building activities organised under ASEAN Peatland Projects. These materials are developed by ASEAN Peatland Partners and made available for ASEAN Member States and other relevant stakeholders.

Scope: Regional
FDRS Adaptation, Map Service Development and Interpretation

5-6 December 2023
Project: MAHFSA
Collaboration with Malaysian Meteorological Department, MET Malaysia
FDRS Adaptation, Web Map Service Development and Interpretation
Scope: National
A technical seminar on the problems and health effects of smoke caused by open burning activities and forest fires for related sectors and group of people affected by air pollution

19 October 2023
Project: MAHFSA
With contribution from Department of Water Resources (DWR), Department of Environment, and Natural Resource and Environment Research Institute (NRERI) of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MoNRE); University of Health Sciences Lao PDR; and World Health Organization (WHO) Lao PDR Office
Available in Laotian:
Lesson on management of charcoal mud soil in Pathumphon District, Champasak Provinces

Monitoring, Prevention and Control of Wildfires

The Effect of Waste Burning in the Open Area

Smog Pollution in Lao PDR

Management of Coal mud in Lao PDR

Monitoring and evaluation of hotspot in Lao PDR

Available in English:
Air Pollution: Health Impacts, Air Quality Standards and Country Support

Exchange Topic: Grill workers and Air Pollution in Vientiane Capital: Explore, Health Effects, and Gender Disparities
Scope: Regional
Capacity Building Workshop on Community-based Fire Prevention, Sustainable Livelihood and Paludiculture Practice in Riau, Indonesia

8-11 August 2023
Project: MAHFSA
Implementor: Yayasan Gambut and Badan Riset and Inovasi Nasional (BRIN), Indonesia
Available in English:
Community Sustainable Livelihood Land Use on Peat

Community-Based Peatland Fire Prevention and Control

Tropical Peatlands: Conservation and Restoration

Paludiculture: A Productive Use of Peatland Restoration

Available in Bahasa Indonesia:
Pemanfaatan dan Penghidupan Masyarakat yang Berkelanjutan pada Lahan Gambut

Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Kebakaran Lahan Gambut Berbasis Masyarakat
Scope: National
Training course on community capacity building program for sustainable management of forest and peatlands in the Lower Mekong Delta, Vietnam

12-14 July 2023
Project: MAHFSA
The materials prepared by Vietnam National University
Available in Vietnamese:
Overview of Peatland and Peatland Resources

Functions and Values of the Peatlands

Carbon Storage of Peatlands and CO2 absorption of peatland forests

Green Contract

Community Role in Sustainable Forest Management

Support Livelihood development activities for local communities living in the buffer zone

Forest Fire, haze pollution and damage caused to people
Scope: Regional
Webinar – 2023 El Niño Season and Transboundary Haze (Online)

11 May 2023
Project: MAHFSA
With contribution from ASEAN Specialised Meteorological Centre (ASMC); MET Malaysia, Department of National Parks, Wildlife, and Plant Conservation (DNP) Thailand; Pollution Control Department (PCD) Thailand; National Environment Agency (NEA), Singapore; ADPC, SERVIR SEA; and Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF) Indonesia
Weather and Haze Outlook for ASEAN Region in the Upcoming El Niño (ASMC)

Theme 1: Early Warning System in ASEAN

Mekong Region Early Warning System (FDRS) and its coordination

Impacts and Lessons from Recent Fires and Transboundary Haze in Northern ASEAN

ASEAN guidelines on Peatland Fire Management

Preparation from ADPC on El Niño for ASEAN Region

Implementing measures to prevent fires and transboundary haze
Scope: National
Training of Trainers on Peatland Assessment and Management in San Francisco, Mindanao, Philippine

11-15 April 2023
Project: MAHFSA
The materials prepared by Bulacan State University of Philippine and Vietnam National University
Training Module on Botanical Assessment

Plant Collecting Techniques and Identification

Assessment and Monitoring of Peatland Vegetation

Peatland Vegetation: Data Analysis

Basic Concept of Peat, Peatland and Its Importance

Identification of Solutions To Site Specific and Common Peatland Management Challenges

Peatland and Climate Change

Peatland Assessment and Management
Scope: National
Training on Capacity Development packages for Myanmar to support the MAHFSA program in Ayeyarwady Region, Shan State & Tanintharyi Region, Myanmar

Ayeyarwady Region: 19-21 October 2022

Shan State: 12-13 December 2022

Tanintharyi Region: 16-17 March 2023
Project: MAHFSA
Training Implementor: Forest Resource Environment Development and Conservation Association (FREDA), Myanmar
Introduction of Peat Soil and Peatland

Peatland Assessment and Mapping

Monitoring of Land and Forest Fire and Occurrence

Fire Risk Warning (including FDRS) and Fire Prevention

Training for rangers and forest fire-fighter team on fire prevention and management
Scope: Regional

Training on Remote Sensing (RS) and GIS for Peatland Mapping with Lao PDR Team

22 November 2021
Project: Mekong Peatlands ProjectModule 3: Field Verification and Mapping of Peatlands

Module 4: Assessment of Peatland Degradation Status and Management Issues
Scope: Regional
Training on Remote Sensing (RS) and GIS for Peatland Mapping

28 October 2020
Project: Mekong Peatlands ProjectModule 1a: Peatland Identification: Definition, Characteristic and Identification of Peatlands

Module 1b: Peatland Types in Mekong Countries

Module 2: Application of Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographic Information System (GIS) for Peatlands Mapping
Scope: Regional
Joint Regional Virtual Training to Strengthen the Capacities of the Northern ASEAN Member States on Peatland Assessment and Mapping, Fire Detection and Monitoring (Session 2)

9 September 2020
Project: SUPA and MAHFSA
With contribution from Thailand’s Royal Forest Department, RECOFTC, Firemap, and Remote Sensing Solutions (RSS)
Thailand and Upper ASEAN Early Warning or Fire Danger Rating System

Fire management in the Lower Mekong

Remote Sensing based fire information systems to support fire management: from monitoring to action

Assessing fire hazard in peatlands and monitoring of burned area in support of fire prevention
Scope: Regional
Joint Regional Virtual Training to Strengthen the Capacities of the Northern ASEAN Member States on Peatland Assessment and Mapping, Fire Detection and Monitoring (Session 1)

2 September 2020
Project: SUPA and MAHFSA
With contribution from Global Environment Centre and Remote Sensing Solutions (RSS)
Types and characteristics of peatland ecosystems in the Northern ASEAN region

Peatland Identification and Assessment Approaches for Northern ASEAN

Peatland mapping and assessment by remote sensing: challenges, technologies available and suitability