This study was conducted in the village of Tanatoa, Kajang District, Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. It was conducted for 6 months, i.e., from July until December 2015. This study aimed to: determine the existence condition of the forest in Kajang both of the customary forest area and outside customary forest area, determine the stakeholder's structure and their role in the forest preservation and its ecosystems, analyze the local wisdomsystem that is applied in forest preservation and analyze the forest management model. The results of the study are as follows: the existence condition of the forest in Kajang in term of the quantity covers 1.070 ha and in term of the quality, it has still high biodiversity, institutions that manage and protect the forests in the structure of limayacustom consist of Galla Ganta, Galla Sangkala, Galla Bantalan and Galla Sapayafor the forest in customary forest area, while for the customary forest area is directly coordinated by ammatoa who is as the chairman of customary stakeholder in forest preservation, there are two local wisdoms that are applied, namely four prohibitions and three punishments for offender. The prohibitions consist of Tabbang Kaju (cutting tree), TattaUhe (cutting rattan), Tinibani (burning bee) and Rawo Dowang (catching shrimp). Meanwhile, the three sanctions consist of Pokok Babbla (low sanction), Attangnga Babbala (moderate sanction) and Accappa Babbala (high sanction) and the forest management model based on the local wisdom had been successfully applied but economically it needs for new models, i.e., replacingsystem with the conversion of 1:3 and selective logging. © Medwell Journals, 2019.
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