Potential production of palm oil-based foaming agent as fire extinguisher of peatlands in Indonesia: Literature review

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This study aims to analyze the potential aplication of of palm oil-based foaming agent as peat fires fighter in Indonesia. From literature review, it has been known that the foaming agent able to form foam to extinguish fire, wrap and refrigerate the burning peat. It is necessary to develop the production and application of foaming agent in Indonesia because peat fires occur almost every year that caused smoke haze. Potential raw material for the production of environmental friendly foaming agent as foam extinguishing for peat fires in Indonesia aong other is palm oil due to abundant availability, sustainable, and foam product easily degraded in the environment of the burnt areas. Production of foaming agent as fire-fighting in Indonesia is one alternative to reduce the time to control the fire and smog disaster impact. Application of palm oil as a raw material for fire-fighting is contribute to increase the value added and the development of palm oil downstream industry. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. View source



Institute of Physics Publishing







Fighter aircraft, Fire extinguishers, Fire fighting equipment, Fires, Oil shale, Peat, Planning, Sustainable development, Burnt areas, Environmental-friendly, Fire fighting, Indonesia, Literature reviews, Oil based, Peat land, Potential production, Palm oil

Form: Conference Proceedings
Geographical Area: Indonesia

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