56.4 and 62.8% in the Windrow composting is currently used as an alternative way for the organic waste management which is environmentally friendly-economical and effective process. Due to its simple method and ease of operation, windrow composting could be a proper approach to encourage local people applied for their organic wastes instead of open burning which generates air pollution and affects human health in The Northern of Thailand over the past decade. This research aimed at studying an appropriate organic waste management by using open windrow composting with triangular frame employed as air ventilation with weekly turning. The study was divided into 3 Experiments. The initial composting waste composition ratios of yard waste: vegetable waste: mushroom (Shiitake) bed materials were 4:0:1 in the Exp. 1, 4:1:0 in the Exp. 2 and 3:1:1 in Exp. 3. Initial C/N ratios of the composted materials mixtures of the Exp. 1, 2 and 3 were 30.5/1, 31.4/1 and 27.2/1, respectively. By making the comparison of the obtained results amongst all Experiments in this study, the optimal ratio of waste composition was given in the Exp. 3. It was observed that the completion of composting was achieved at the composting period of about 60 days. The highest temperature reached to around 65.5°C within three days. Additionally, thermophilic phase condition (40-70°C) continuously took place in the composting pile and kept maintain for 26 days. At the end of composting period, total mass reduction compared with total mass of the initial composting material were 48.3 Exp. 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Considering the quality of the obtained composts based on the values of C/N ratio, pH and EC, it was found that the compost from the Exp. 3 was deemed to be qualified compost in accordance with the standard set by Department of Agriculture, Thailand.