To examine the impact of human disturbance on mammalian community in a human-disturbed tropical landscape in Borneo, we conducted a baited camera trapping study in East Kalimantan, Indonesia, from 2005 to 2010. Along a gradient of habitat degradation, we established four camera trapping sites within a 20-km radius, one in Sungai Wain Protection Forest and three in Bukit Soeharto Grand Forest Park. From the camera trapping carried out for 1,017 camera-days, we obtained 3,753 images of 29 mammal species, including an alien species, the domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris). The trapping efficiency and species composition of mammals recorded differed between the two kinds of bait (banana and shrimp). The number of species decreased, and the species composition changed along the gradient of habitat degradation, suggesting that human-mediated habitat degradation has a significant effect on the mammalian communities. Our results suggest that forest cover is essential for at least 14 out of 29 recorded mammal species to survive, and that the forest fires and habitat isolation strongly affect particular species, i.e. Lariscus insignis and Trichys fasciculata (Rodentia) and Arctogalidia trivirgata (Carnivora). © 2012 The Mammal Society of Japan.
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