This article investigates options for reforestation in degraded forests in Central Vietnam within the context of sustainable forestry and presents a forest management plan for the forests around the community of Phong My. In the past, the area was damaged during the war between Vietnam and the United States and after that by overcutting. Forests have gradually been degraded and now they are replaced by plantations of fast-growing Acacia (Acacia mangium). After final harvests, the stand remnants are burnt and the burnt area is again regenerated via artificial regeneration of Acacia. Here, we propose several mixtures in which Acacia stands can be augmented with other tree species. A proposed system of afforestation and subsequent management is given here with the goal of encouraging mixed species, multiple cohort stands, and disincentivizing the method of slash-and-burn. The proposed afforestation patterns were also used to calculate the future number of seedlings required to enable the enlargement of quality forests at the expense of degraded ones. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
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