charcoal, climatic change, deforestation, environmental degradation, environmental management, environmental protection, farming systems, forests, hydroelectric schemes, land use, migration, natural resources, resource management, rice, rural development, soil conservation, tobacco, tropical forests, tropical rain forests, Botswana, Brazil, Developing Countries, Dominica, Laos, Nepal, South Africa, Tanzania, Nicotiana, Oryza, Solanaceae, Solanales, dicotyledons, angiosperms, Spermatophyta, plants, eukaryotes, Poaceae, Cyperales, monocotyledons, ACP Countries, Anglophone Africa, Africa, Commonwealth of Nations, Least Developed Countries, SADC Countries, Southern Africa, Africa South of Sahara, Latin America, America, South America, Threshold Countries, countries, Caribbean Community, Leeward Islands, Lesser Antilles, Antilles, Caribbean, ASEAN Countries, Indochina, South East Asia, Asia, South Asia, East Africa, agricultural systems, climate change, Lao People's Democratic Republic, paddy, Tanganyika, Third World, Underdeveloped Countries, Environmental Economics (EE150) (Discontinued March 2000), Community Development (UU460) (Discontinued March 2000), Participation and Self Help (UU470) (Discontinued March 2000), Pollution and Degradation (PP600), Natural Resources (General) (PP000), Farming Systems and Management (EE200) (Discontinued March 2000), Forests and Forest Trees (Biology and Ecology) (KK100), Biological Resources (Plant) (PP720), Water Resources (PP200), Land Resources (PP300)