Indonesia’s national agriculture strategy is to increase farming production through optimizing wetland farming, particularly in swampy land. However, the main problem is the labor allocation and productivity and its impact on swampy land farmers’ total household income. This research aims to analyze: 1) the productivity and income of swampy land rice farming, 2) the Factors affecting the productivity of swampy land rice farming, and 3) the contribution of income from swampy land rice farming to the household income. This research was conducted in Awal Terusan village of Sirah Pulau Padang District in Ogan Komering Ilir Regency, Indonesia. By applying a disproportionate stratified random sampling, 90 sample farmers drawn from the population of both farmer-group and non-farmer-group members in the area. The result showed that the average productivity of swampy land rice farming of the farmer-group members was 2,741.45 kg, and the non-farmer-group members were 3,097.08 kg per hectare per year. On average, the farmer-group members’ income was IDR 12,459,222.23, and the non-farmer-group members were IDR 10,662,689.58 per hectare per year. The result of multiple linear regression of Cobb Douglas type showed that the farming area’s variables, outside labor, and institutional factors were significantly affecting the productivity of swampy land rice farming; meanwhile, the variable of family labor was insignificant. The contribution of income from swampy land rice farming to household income was categorized as low, subsequently for the farmer-group members of 20.54 percent and the non-farmer-group members of 13.83 percent. © 2021
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