Malaysian forestry and forest products research. Proceedings of the conference, October 3-4 1990

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Twenty papers are presented from this conference covering silviculture, forest management, tree diseases (heartrot in Acacia mangium), soil disturbance from logging, rattans (growing under rubber, and collecting as a source of income for tribal communities), hydrological influences of forestry, conservation of Malaysian forest genetic resources, fire retardant treated chipboard, wood residues as a source of energy, papermaking using Scirpus grossus (an aquatic plant), Acacia mangium for manufacture of panel products and adhesives, peat soil as a medium for palm oil mill effluent treatment, and the economics of the sawntimber industry in Peninsular Malaysia.


Secondary Title

Malaysian forestry and forest products research. Proceedings of the conference, October 3-4 1990.


Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM)


iii + 194-iii + 194



adhesives, canes and rattans, conservation, damage, decay, economics, energy resources, fireproofing, forest influences, forest management, forest products industries, forest trees, forestry, forests, fuelwood, hydrology, logging, palm oil mill effluent, panels, particleboards, peat soils, plant diseases, plant genetic resources, pulp and paper industry, research, sawnwood, silviculture, soil, treatment, trees, wood residues, woody plants, Malaysia, Peninsular Malaysia, Acacia mangium, plants, Acacia, Mimosoideae, Fabaceae, Fabales, dicotyledons, angiosperms, Spermatophyta, eukaryotes, APEC countries, ASEAN Countries, Commonwealth of Nations, Developing Countries, South East Asia, Asia, Threshold Countries, chipboards, firewood, forest industry, glues, lumber, Malaysian forestry and forest products research, paper industry, studies, timber extraction, timber harvesting, West Malaysia, Forests and Forest Trees (Biology and Ecology) (KK100), Forest Products and Industries (General) (KK500)

Form: Conference Proceedings
Geographical Area: Malaysia

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