Multipurpose tree species in Sri Lanka: MPTS for natural resource management. Proceedings of the Fifth Regional Workshop on Multipurpose trees, Kandy, Sri Lanka, April 01-03, 1994

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The workshop was organized by the National Research Committee on Multipurpose Tree Species (MPTS), Winrock International, F/FRED, Bangkok, Thailand and the Sri Lanka-German Upper Mahaweli Water Management Project (UMWP, who also funded the proceedings). After introductory addresses, 26 papers are presented on various aspects of MPTS in Sri Lanka. Topics include: forest policy; MPTS for fodder; agroforestry systems (including home gardens, forest gardens, alley cropping, shade trees/MPTS with plantation crops, economic aspects); underexploited wild trees; soil and water conservation using hedgerows in upland areas; nursery studies on Pericopsis mooniana; coppice growth of Gliricidia sepium provenances; use of non-forest lands for wood production; rural tree growing; the effect of burning on ground flora and soil in Pinus caribaea plantations; forest plantation site selection; non-home garden flora; indigenous knowledge on the utilization of Azadirachta indica; buffer zone development and sustainable forest management; and the contribution of forest resources to the national economy.

Gunasena H. P. M.



Secondary Title

Multipurpose tree species in Sri Lanka: MPTS for natural resource management. Proceedings of the Fifth Regional Workshop on Multipurpose trees, Kandy, Sri Lanka, April 01-03, 1994.


Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya


xvi + 288-xvi + 288



agroforestry systems, alley cropping, burning, coppice, crops, economic sectors, economics, flora, fodder plants, forest management, forest nurseries, forest plantations, forest policy, forest resources, forests, ground vegetation, growth, hedges, home gardens, indigenous knowledge, land use, multipurpose trees, plant genetic resources, plantation crops, plantations, provenance trials, rural areas, shade trees, site selection, soil, soil conservation, sustainability, trees, upland areas, utilization, water conservation, woody plants, zoning, Sri Lanka, azadirachta indica, gliricidia sepium, pericopsis, pinus caribaea, plants, Azadirachta, Meliaceae, Sapindales, dicotyledons, angiosperms, Spermatophyta, eukaryotes, Gliricidia, Papilionoideae, Fabaceae, Fabales, Pinus, Pinaceae, Pinopsida, gymnosperms, Commonwealth of Nations, Developing Countries, South Asia, Asia, buffer zones, Ceylon, flaming, forest gardens, homegardens, homestead gardens, Multipurpose tree species in Sri Lanka: MPTS for natural resource management, neem, pericopsis mooniana, sectors of production, zonal cropping, Forests and Forest Trees (Biology and Ecology) (KK100), Agroforestry and Multipurpose Trees, Community, Farm and Social Forestry (KK600), Biological Resources (Plant) (PP720), Plant Cropping Systems (FF150), Farming Systems and Management (EE200) (Discontinued March 2000), Forage and Feed Products (Non-human) (RR000), Erosion, Soil and Water Conservation (PP400), Silviculture and Forest Management (KK110), Plant Breeding and Genetics (FF020), Land Use and Valuation (EE160) (Discontinued March 2000), Forest Fires (KK130), Forest Mensuration and Management (KK120) (Discontinued March 2000)

Form: Book
Geographical Area: Thailand, Other

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