Participatory Action Research to Community-Based Fire Prevention and Peatland Restoration

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he Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) has been working with communities at the local level to understand economic, social and political dynamics causing forest and land fires, and studying their implications. As a follow-up in 2018, with support from Singapore Cooperation Enterprise and Temasek Foundation International, CIFOR partnered with the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) Australia and Center for Disaster Study University of Riau to conduct participatory action research. At the local level in Dompas Village, CIFOR works with the village government, farmers’ group, fire care community (MPA) and women’s group on a family well-being program (PKK). In participatory action research (PAR), CIFOR researches, facilitates and mainstreams land development without using fire. CIFOR supports and assists the local community to determine and implement land clearing without using fire alternatives and to find a sustainable business model as part of a fire prevention and peatland restoration effort, and as a co-learning process. CIFOR minimizes risks, strengthens practices and traditional knowledge, and mobilizes community-based initiatives. View source








Form: Other
Geographical Area: Indonesia

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