PASTI is an instrument used to measure community based preparedness that cover 3 basic aspects: basic human service, community development and disaster risk analysis for 9 typical threats. There are earthquake, tsunami, volcanic eruption, landslide, flood, forest fire, drought, epidemic and mud. When analyzing the community preparedness, those aspects are working in synergy among each other since there is an interconnection between them. Basic Human Services instrument to understand the accompanied population means identifying basic needs and the extent to meet them. If the fulfillment of such needs is low, community resilience capacity against the threats is less consequently. Community Development is to reconstruct the community as the learning centre of experience, human needs, and reconstruction of state structures, welfare, global economic, bureaucracy, etc. Disaster Risk Analysis analysis is a perspective that becomes of harazd, vulnerability and capability. The instrument can used by all kinds of stakeholders © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013.
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