Potential and pattern of utilization of Renewable Energy sources from vegetation based on local Knowledge of Ireres tribe in Tambrauw, West Papua, Indonesia
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This paper deals with local knowledge of Ireres tribe in utilizing vegetation for meet fuel needs. Purpose of this study was to reveal traditional knowledge for making fire by means of traditional process that handed down from generation to generation within their tribe. This study was held in the Asses village, Miyah District of Tarnbrauw on the mid of 2011. Information acquired through direct interviews of 10 persons who are considered to have experience in relation to the process of making such material. In addition, direct survey was also conducted to see and document the whole process. Result showed that scientifically such process quite simple, but the end result of the product was passably. This was evidenced by the calorific value that reaches 4,027 cal/gm. Such value, directly suggests that the product has great potential as a substitution material fuel wood particularly for most traditional communities in Papua.