Measurable Action for Haze-Free Sustainable Land Management in Southeast Asia (MAHFSA) Programme was designed to strengthen existing ASEAN coordination mechanisms for engaging all relevant actors, building capacity, harmonising programmes and projects, and facilitate the flow of multiple sources of finance to promote haze-free agriculture, sustainable management of peat swamp forests, and implementation of the ASEAN Haze-Free Roadmap. For MAHFSA Programme, analysing relevant stakeholders and their links to peatland and haze management is needed during implementation to maximise programmatic impact. Comprehensive stakeholder mapping and analysis is also needed so that ASEC and its relevant partners can focus their resources on areas that will result in the greatest amount of effective change in the policies, behaviours, and practices that cover sustainable peatland or haze management in Southeast Asia. This document will inform ASEC in implementing the MAHFSA Programme as it works to develop a Capacity-Development Needs and Gaps Analysis (CDNGA), a Knowledge Stock Take Analysis (KSTA), a Communication Strategy and Plan, a 10-Year Investment Framework, and a Regional Multi-Stakeholder Platform on Peatland and Haze.
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