afforestation, biodiversity, case studies, deforestation, degraded forests, disturbed forests, ecological disturbance, ecosystems, environmental degradation, forest ecology, forest fires, forests, landscape, nature conservation, non-governmental organizations, private forestry, rehabilitation, research, socioeconomics, tropical forests, China, Indonesia, Korea Republic, Mongolia, Peru, Russia, Russian Far East, APEC countries, Developing Countries, East Asia, Asia, ASEAN Countries, South East Asia, OECD Countries, Threshold Countries, Central Asia, Andean Group, Latin America, America, South America, Developed Countries, Far East USSR, NGOs, nongovernmental organizations, People's Republic of China, reafforestation, reforestation, Russian Federation, socioeconomic aspects, South Korea, studies, tree farming, USSR Far East, woodlot forestry, Research (AA500), Agencies and Organizations (DD100), Forests and Forest Trees (Biology and Ecology) (KK100), Silviculture and Forest Management (KK110), Forest Fires (KK130), Pollution and Degradation (PP600), Biological Resources (Plant) (PP720), Social Psychology and Social Anthropology (UU485) (New March 2000), Plant Ecology (ZZ331)