Indonesia's peatland cover is about 11 million ha of land in tidal swamp areas and 3.9 million hectares in swamp and coastal areas. Based on these data, there are possibility interconnection between peat and mangrove ecosystems in the one landscape. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics of interconnection between the peat and mangrove ecosystems in Indonesia, specifically in East Kalimantan. Vegetation characteristics such as structure and species composition will be measured, as well as soil physical characteristics including analysis of water content, bulk density, particle density and porosity. characteristics of soil chemical properties include analysis of pH, EC, ash content, bases (K, Na, Ca, Mg), micro elements (Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn), C-total, N-total and S-total. The results obtained are East Kalimantan is located in the coastline area which is still influenced by high salinity tides. The level of species diversity and community stability in the transition area is in the low to moderate limit with a Shannon index value of 2.24. Species with high salinity tolerance dominate the transition area (true mangrove vegetation species). © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.
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