The Indonesian perspective and experience in forest fire management

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This paper highlights pertinent issues on forest and land fire disaster which occurred in Indonesia during the period of 1997-1998. Forest fire causes and damaging impacts are summarized, while existing international initiatives to address forest fire are also compiled. Special emphasis is given to the on going attempt of the Ministry of Forestry and Estate Crop with the support from the International Tropical Timber Organization and the Common Fund for Commodities, to develop comprehensive national guidelines which covers the entire gamut of integrated forest fire management.

Suratmo F. G.



Secondary Title

FAO Forestry Paper


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)



fire causes, fire control, fire danger, fire effects, forest fires, forest management, forests, Indonesia, APEC countries, ASEAN Countries, Developing Countries, South East Asia, Asia, fire hazard, Silviculture and Forest Management (KK110), Forest Fires (KK130)

Form: Serial
Geographical Area: Indonesia

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