The Singapore Meeting, 22-26 June 2016

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Narratives of Innovation in Eastern Europe, Japan, and the United States Organizers: Wiebe Bijker, Maastricht University, Netherlands, Lars Heide, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, and Annapurna Mamidipudi, Maastricht University, Netherlands Chair: Wiebe Bijker, Maastricht University, Netherlands Commentator: Annapurna Mamidipudi, Maastricht University, Netherlands Papers: History Matters: Tradition and Innovation in the Modernization of the Soviet and Czechoslovak Automobile Industry," Valentina Fava, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany; "History of Japanese Petrochemistry Technology Development: From the Systematization of Technologies of NMNS," Osamu Kamei, National Museum of Nature and Science, Japan; "Dynamics of Innovation in Success and Limits to IBM Mainframe Computers," Lars Heide, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark Practitioner's Roundtable: Challenges and Opportunities for Working at the Intersections of Technology, Gender Equality, and Youth Empowerment in the 21st Century (sponsored by Tembusu College) Organizers and Chairs: Lisa Onaga, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, and Sierin Lim, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Panelists: Pia Bruce and Mrinalini Venkatachalam, Singapore Committee for UN Women, Singapore; Honor Harger, ArtScience Museum, Singapore; Isaac Kerlow, Earth Observatory of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; Sami Kizilbash, Google, Singapore; Kiruthika Ramanathan, Maker Faire, Singapore; Vanessa Rheinheimer, Engineers without Borders, Singapore; Sierin Lim, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Ordering the Ethnic Minorities in the Southwest of China: Technology of Communication, Herb, and Race Taxonomy Organizer: Dong Yuyu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China Chair and Commentator: Niu Weixing, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China Papers: "New Communication Technology of Telephone and Telegram among the Tibetans of Sichuan in the Early Twentieth Century: Political Control and Social Impact," Dong Yuyu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China; "Conceptualizing an Ethnographic Body: Technology of Body Measuring and Observation in the Southwest of China in the First Half of the Twentieth Century," Zhu Jing, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom; "Producing Knowledges about an Herbal Medicine: The Caterpillar Fungus," Hu Su, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom Animals and Technology: In the Sea Organizer: Dolly Jorgensen, Luleâ University of Technology, Sweden Chair: Sverker Sörlin, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden Papers: "Peering beneath the Surface: Technologies of Seeing Underwater Life in Public Aquariums, 1853-2015," Dolly Jorgensen, Luleâ University of Technology, Sweden; "Extending Laboratory Work into the Sea: A Study on Technology of Milkfish Artificial Propagation in Taiwan," Chein Kragen, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom; "Development of Technology in an Ornamental Fish Farm of Singapore due to Government Pressure," Delfinn Tann, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Cinema and the History of Technology in Korea in the 1960s and 1970s Organizer: Sungook Hong, Seoul National University, South Korea Chair and Commentator: Tae-Ho Kim, Hanyang University, South Korea Papers: "Six Daughters and the Changing Technoscape of Korea in the late 1960s," Sungook Hong, Seoul National University, South Korea; "Cultural Films and the Political Propaganda of Mechanical Symbols during the Park Chung Hee Era," Taehun Lim, Chosun University, South Korea; "The Red Scarf and the Synchrony of Speed in the Modern War Machine," Young June Lee, Kaywon University of Art and Design, South Korea Technology Rules Chair and Commentator: David Burke, Auburn University at Montgomery, United States Papers: "Unintended Consequences: E.U. and U.S. Regulation for Sustainable Sourcing and Its Impact on the Vietnam Furniture Industry and Lumber Sourcing in Asia," Joseph P. Lupton, Georgia Institute of Technology, United States; "Innovation by Regulatory Design: Incentives versus Mandates for Green Chemistry," Arthur Daemmrich, Smithso ian Institution, United States; "Standards, 'Smoking Guns,' and 'Sustainable Uncertainty': The Politics of Scientific Uncertainty in the History of Standard Setting for Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMF)," David Mercer, University of Wollongong, Australia National Objects Chair and Commentator: Stuart W. Leslie, Johns Hopkins University, United States Papers: "Small Nation and Big Ships: Finnish Icebreakers and Technological Nation-Building, 1877-1977," Saara Matala, Aalto University, Finland, and Aaro Sahari, University of Helsinki, Finland; "The Stobie Pole: An Unlikely Cultural Artifact of North and South, East and West," George Wilkenfeld, Independent Scholar, Australia; "History of the Digital Camera in Singapore, 1994-2006," Crystal Abidin, University of Western Australia, and Connor Graham, National University of Singapore What Goes Up Must Come Down Chair and Commentator: Jeff Schramm, Missouri University of Science and Technology, United States Papers: "You Make Them, We Buy and Fly Them: The Experience of Flying Foreign Airliners in Australia in the 1930s," Leigh Edmonds, Federation University Australia; "Revolutions in the Sky: Reinventing Flight-A New Exhibit at the National Air and Space Museum," F. Robert van der Linden, Smithsonian Institution, United States; "The Moment of Impact: The Accidental Airspace of Aircraft Crashes," Peter Hobbins, University of Sydney, Australia Hydraulic Technologies in the Premodern World: East and West Organizer: Pamela O. Long, Independent Scholar, United States Chair and Commentator: Dagmar Schäfer, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Germany Papers: "Diking or Diverting, Blocking or Channeling: Yellow River Hydraulics in Northern Song and Jin China, 960-1234 CE," Ling Zhang, Boston College, United States; "Water Rights and the Law of Nuisance in Post-Conquest England: Milling, Fishing, and Navigation," Adam Lucas, University of Wollongong, Australia; "Hydraulic Engineering in Late-Sixteenth-Century Rome," Pamela O. Long, Independent Scholar, United States; "Dike, Dam, Drain, or Polder? Reconstruction, Technical Assistance, and West German Agriculture," Franziska Torma, Technische Universität München, Germany Reconsidering Technical History of Technology Organizer: Chen-Pang Yeang, University of Toronto, Canada Chair and Commentator: Kenji Ito, Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Japan Papers: "The Technical Resistance to AT&T's Monopoly on the Quartz Clock," Shaul Katzir, Tel Aviv University, Israel; "Technical History of Technology: Aerodynamics for War and Peace in Japan, 1932-64," Takahi Nishiyama, State University of New York, Brockport, United States; "Emergence of Informational Noise: Technology, Uncertainty, and an Alternative Origin Story of Information Science," Chen-Pang Yeang, University of Toronto, Canada Technology in China across the Ages Chair and Commentator: Fa-ti Fan, State University of New York at Binghamton, United States Papers: "The Different Description Base on the Common Inclination: The Investigation of the Traction System of Chinese Chariots from J. Needham and Chinese Scholars," Chen Wei, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China; "Intertwined Cultures in the Qing-Dynasty Architectural Terminology: The Building Knowledge Presented in the Gongcheng Zuofa (Construction Methods, 1734)," Jiren Feng, University of Hawaii at Hilo, United States; "Some Thoughts on Needham's Intellectual Heritage," Jianjun Mei, Needham Research Institute, United Kingdom Comparative History of Communications Technologies Chair and Commentator: Graeme Gooday, University of Leeds, United Kingdom Papers: "Developing Telephony at the Edge of the United Kingdom: The Telephone Company of Ireland, 1878-93," Adrian James Kirwan, Maynooth University, Ireland; "Technological Change and Post Office Communications, 1918-45," Mark J. Crowley, Wuhan University, China; "The Windowless Technological Box: The Beginnings of the Invisible Telecommunications Network," Kathryn Holliday, University of Texas at Arlington, United States From Mechanical Arts to Present Maker Movements: Forgotten Genealogies of Art, Technology, and Science (in cooperation with ArtScience Museum, Singapore) Organizer: Denisa Kera, National University of Singapore Papers: "Technologies and Performative Play: Re-Creation and Subversion of Institutionalized Cultures/Cultural Institutions," Kaitlyn Marie Braybrooke and Sally Jane Norman, University of Sussex, United Kingdom; "Prototypes of Science Instruments in Renaissance Science and Present DIYbio: Integrating Technology, Arts, and Crafts," Denisa Kera and Markéta Dolejsová, National University of Singapore; "Participatory Cartography in Design Anthropology: Maps and Media for Speculative Futures," Emile Devereaux, University of Sussex, United Kingdom; "Fabulation and Fabrication: Biosensors, Experience, and Materialisms," Kate O'Riordan, University of Sussex, United Kingdom; "Enacting Digital Art and Civic Opportunities: Data as Material for Action," Jennifer Parker, University of California, Santa Cruz, United States International Perspectives on the History of Gender and Technology (cosponsored by the Berkshire Conference of Women Historians and the Society for the History of Technology) Organizers: Susan Yohn, Hofstra University, United States, and Emily K. Gibson, Georgia Institute of Technology, United States Chair: Arwen P. Mohun, University of Delaware, United States Commentator: Ruth Schwartz Cowan, University of Pennsylvania, United States Papers: "Bridging the Ocean: Technology and Nineteenth-Century Women's Transatlantic Activism," Margaret Vining and Barton C. Hacker, Smithsonian Institution, United States; "Birth Strike: Yamakawa Kikue's Socialist Feminist Critique of Sex and Class," Sujin Lee, Cornell University, United States; "The Pleasures of Domesticity: Household Appliance Advertisements, Gender, and the Democratization of Well-Being in Nasser's Egypt," Laura Bier, Georgia Institute of Technology, United States; "'L'art de faire un bon voyage': Air France's Hôtesses de l'Air and the Domestication of Flight and Travel within the Declining French Empire, 1946-60," Emily K. Gibson, Georgia Institute of Technology, United States Roundtable: Craft and Art in Innovation, and Innovation in the Arts and Crafts-Exploring New Engagements for the History of Technology Organizers: Annapurna Mamidipudi, Maastricht University, Netherlands, and Wiebe Bijker, Maastricht University, Netherlands Panelists: Annapurna Mamidipudi, Maastricht University, Netherlands; Sushruti Santhanam, Savitribai Phule Pune University, India; Pamela O. Long, Independent Scholar, United States; Pamela Smith, Columbia University, United States; Uzramma, Independent Scholar, India; John Bosco Lourdusamy, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India; Francesca Bray, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom Technology for City, City for Technology Organizer: Buhm Soon Park, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea Chair and Commentator: Takehiko Hashimoto, University of Tokyo, Japan Papers: "Staking a Claim to Biotech: Singapore and San Diego's Science Cities," Stuart W. Leslie and Yin Hang Phoebe Tang, Johns Hopkins University, United States; "Science Fiction and the Smart-Eco City," Robert Cowley, King's College London, United Kingdom; "A Political Life of 'Galaxy City': Science Policy, City Planning, and Two Presidential Elections," Buhm Soon Park, Youjung Shin, and Taemin Woo, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea; "'Smart City': Tracing the Historical Roots of the Contemporary Paradigm of Urban Technology," Simon Joss, University of Westminster, United Kingdom, Robert Kargon, Johns Hopkins University, United States, and Arthur Molella, Smithsonian Institution, United States Presidential Roundtable: Rethinking Society for the Twenty-First Century Organizers: Johan Schot, University of Sussex, United Kingdom, Suzanne Moon, University of Oklahoma, United States, and Francesca Bray, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom Chair: Bruce Seely, Michigan Technological University, United States Panelists: Johan Schot, University of Sussex, United Kingdom; Suzanne Moon, University of Oklahoma, United States; Itty Abraham, National University of Singapore Fashioning Global Patent Cultures: Diversity and Harmonization in Historical Perspective Organizers: Graeme Gooday, University of Leeds, United Kingdom, and Steven Wilf, University of Connecticut, United States Chair: Graeme Gooday, University of Leeds, United Kingdom Commentator: Steven Wilf, University of Connecticut, United States Papers: "Applied in Aid of Nature: The First Pearl Patent and the Place of Industrial Property in Meiji Japan," Kjell Ericson, Yale University, United States; "Alternative Patent Cultures in the Chilean Patent System, 1840- 1910," Bernardita Escobar Andrae, University of Santiago, Chile; "Specimens of Ingenuity and Their Consumption: Fire and Restoration in the U.S. Patent Office," Courtney Fullilove, Wesleyan University, United States; "The India Twist to Patent Culture," Tania Sebastian, Gujarat National Law University, India Technology and Capitalism as U.S. Foreign Relations: Transatlantic and Transpacific Perspectives Organizers: Corinna Schlombs, Rochester Institute of Technology, United States, and William Chou, The Ohio State University, United States, and University of Tokyo, Japan Chair and Commentator: Keith Breckenridge, University of Witwatersrand, South Africa Papers: "The Promise of Productivity: Technology and the American Capitalist Model in U.S.-German Relations," Corinna Schlombs, Rochester Institute of Technology, United States; "Sino-American Technological Diplomacy and the Nationalization of China's Electrical Industries, 1941 - 45," Ying Jia Tan, Wesleyan University, United States; "Constructing and Consuming the American Japanese Car: Transpacific Technology and Marketing, 1957-82," William Chou, The Ohio State University, United States, and University of Tokyo, Japan; "Transatlantic Configurations: Information Technologies between the U.S. and Peripheral Countries," Pierre Mounier-Kuhn, National Center for Scientific Research and Université Paris-Sorbonne, France On the Co-Evolutio of Technology and Culture: Technological Development, Birth Control, and Venereal Diseases Prophylaxis Organizer: Wolfgang König, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany Chair and Commentator: Suzanne Gottschang, Smith College, United States Papers: "The Condom's Difficult Path to Become a High-Tech Product in Twentieth-Century Germany," Wolfgang König, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany; "Making the Pill: A Comparative Study on the Development of the Contraceptive Pill in China and the United States," Haiyan Yang, Peking University, China; "A Therapeutic for a New Millennium: The Birth Control Pill as 'Medicine' in Contemporary Japan," Shoan Yin Cheung, Cornell University, United States; "No Barrier to Innovation: The Trials of the Cervical Cap, 1976-88," Donna J. Drucker, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany Imagination/Meaning: Technological Dreamscapes, Fictions, and Futures Organizer and Chair: Annie Tomlinson, Cornell University, United States Commentator: W. Patrick McCray, University of California, Santa Barbara, United States Papers: "When the Humanities Went Digital (A History of Technology Told in the Future Tense)," Finn Arne Jorgensen, Umeâ University, Sweden; "Planning Creativity and Innovation: Imagining Technological Development in Singapore, 1986-2025," Samantha Breslin, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada; "'The future must be invented, not predicted': Human Imagination and Computer Prediction in the British Post Office, 1967-83," Jacob Ward, University College London, United Kingdom; "The 'Death Ray' and the Test Ban: Imagining America's Neutron Bomb as Technopolitical Artifact and Regime, 1957-63," Annie Tomlinson, Cornell University, United States Robots in Asia: History, Culture, and Politics (Part I) Organizer and Chair: Chihyung Jeon, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea Commentator: Ann Johnson, Cornell University, United States Papers: "Simulations of Care: Labor, Globalization, and the Politics of Innovation in Korean Robotics," Anna Guevarra, University of Illinois at Chicago, United States; "Robots, Save Us: Visions of Disaster Robotics in South Korea," Heesun Shin and Chihyung Jeon, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea; "Replacing Humans with Robots: Technological Change and Industrial Organization in the Pearl River Delta of China," Huang Yu, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Naubahar Sharif, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China; "Robotics Firsts: Tracing the Development of Robotics through Oral History Interviews," Selma Sabanovic, Indiana University, United States Things on Display: Exhibitions as a Research Tool in the History of Technology Organizers: Andreas Marklund, Post & Tele Museum, Denmark, and Louise Karlskov Skyggebjerg, Danish Museum of Science and Technology, Denmark Chair: Mats Fridlund, Aalto University, Finland Commentator: Deborah Douglas, MIT Museum, United States Papers: "Exhibitions as a Space for Data Creation: Investigating Information Age Intangibles," Andreas Marklund, Post & Tele Museum, Denmark; "Exhibitions as Recontextualizations: A Recontextualized Telescope- Connecting Things, Exhibitions, and Research," Frode Weium and Henrik Treimo, Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology, Norway; "Exhibition Work as a Way to Engage in Talks with Objects: Thinking with Objects," Louise Karlskov Skyggebjerg, Danish Museum of Science and Technology, Denmark Histories, Poverties, Technologies Organizers: Waqar Zaidi, Lahore University of Management Sciences, Pakistan, and Nina Lerman, Whitman College, United States Chair: Nina Lerman, Whitman College, United States Commentator: Waqar Zaidi, Lahore University of Management Sciences, Pakistan Papers: "United States Reading the Numbers: Statistics and the Politics of Food Scarcity in Colonial India," Anindita Nag, German Historical Institute; "Iron Lungs across the Iron Curtain: Respiratory Technologies in Times of Global Polio Epidemics," Dora Vargha, University of London, United Kingdom; "Private Tubewells and the Green Revol tion," Kapil Subramanian, King's College London, United Kingdom; "Disaggregating the 'Rural Poor': The History of Insecticide-Treated Bed Net Use in Western Kenya," Kirsten Moore-Sheeley, Johns Hopkins University, United States SHOT Graduate Student Workshop Organizer: Lars Heide, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark Panelists: Cecilia Cárdenas-Navia, Yale University, United States; Chris Baumann, Stockholm University, Sweden; Elena Kunadt, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany; Ericka Herazo Berdugo, Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia; Fabian Bechtold, RWTH Aachen University, Germany; Fabian Prieto-Ñañez, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, United States; Gu Xiaoyang, Peking University, China; Karsten Marhold, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium; Kuan-Hung Lo, Virginia Tech, United States; Lasse Blond, Aarhus University, Denmark; Lei Huan-Jie, Renmin University of China; Marcus Schmerl, Flinders University, Australia; Paulina Faraj, Georgia Institute of Technology, United States; Rebecca Miller, Science and Technology Policy Institute, United States; Sanne Aagaard Jensen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark; Yeh-Han Wang, National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan; Zhao Yuting, Peking University, China The Practical Application of Natural Philosophical Knowledge in Early Modern Europe Organizer and Commentator: Adam Lucas, University of Wollongong, Australia Papers: "Mathematics at Leiden around 1600: The Archive and Expanded Histories of Technology," Suzanne Moon, University of Oklahoma, United States; "Changes in the History of Technology in China since Needham's Work: The Perspective of the History of Mechanical Engineering," Shi Xiaolei, Harbin Normal University, China; "The Structure of Science and Technology across History: A 'Human Needs' Perspective," Jielin Dong, Soochow University, China, and Wei Li, Sun Yat-sen University, China; "Reflective Studies on SHOT's Intellectual and Social Organization: The Development Process of SHOT's Theories, Themes, and Social Organization of the History of Technology," Yulin Chen, Hunan University of Science and Technology, China, and Zhihui Zhang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Fashion and Technology: Consumers, Democratization of Luxury, and New Technologies Organizer: Emanuela Scarpellini, University of Milan, Italy Chair and Commentator: Ruth Oldenziel, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands Papers: "Silk Spinning Technology and Its Impact on Japanese Society in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries: The Democratization of Silk and the Emergence of the New Consumer Society," Naoko Inoue, Tokyo Josai University, Japan; "Old and New Techniques in Recycling Kimono Clothing: A Connection?" Miki Sugiura, Hosei University, Japan; "Science and Technology in the Italian Fashion Industry," Emanuela Scarpellini, University of Milan, Italy Patenting, Promoting, and Politicizing New Technologies: Invention, Innovation, and Ubiquitous Know-How in Eighteenth-Century France and Britain Organizer: Adam Lucas, University of Wollongong, Australia Commentator: Pamela O. Long, Independent Scholar, United States Papers: "Playing with Scales for Mastering Nature: The Design of MicroInventions in Eighteenth-Century France and Britain," Marie Thébaud-Sorger, National Center for Scientific Research, France; "The Imaginary and Technology: Public Lighting Representations in Eighteenth-Century Paris," Benjamin Bothereau, School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences, France; "Everybody's Know-How in the Age of Guild Regulations," Daryl M. Hafter, Eastern Michigan University, United States; "From Priority to Property: Owning and Disowning Inventions in EighteenthCentury France," Jérôme Baudry, University of Geneva, Switzerland, and Rachel Gostenhofer, Brown University, United States Risk and Opportunity in Spaceflight Technology Organizer: Paul E. Ceruzzi, Smithsonian Institution, United States Chair and Commentator: Alexander C. T. Geppert, New York University, United States, and NYU Shanghai, China Papers: "The Apollo Guidance Computer, the Integrated Circuit, and the Birth of Silicon Valley, 1962-72," Paul E. Ceruzzi, Smithsonian Institution, United States; "Transnational Networks and Knowledge Flows in the Making and Launching of Apple : India's First Geostationary Satellite," Ashok Maharaj, Tata Consultancy Services, India; "The Discovery Program: Competition, Innovation, and Risk in Planetary Exploration," Michael J. Neufeld, Smithsonian Institution, United States Making Games Go: Hardware and Software at the Intersection of Computer and Game History Organizer: Laine Nooney, Georgia Institute of Technology, United States Chair: Maria Haigh, University of Wisconsin, United States Commentator: Melanie Swalwell, Flinders University, Australia Papers: "Puzzling Engines: Game Design and Software Innovation at Sierra On-Line in the 1980s," Laine Nooney, Georgia Institute of Technology, United States; "Procedure Crystalized: Graphics Card Histories and the Domestication of 3D," Jacob Gaboury, Stony Brook University, United States; "Games of Chance in the AI Winter," Stephanie Dick, Harvard University, United States Art and Image in Japan Chair and Commentator: Aleksandra Kobiljski, National Center for Scientific Research, France Papers: "Miyazawa Kenji's Journey to the Stars," Yakup Bektas, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan; "Metabolic Space: Kisho Kurokawa's Future Megalopolis and Its Biotechnic Culture," Tobias Cheung, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany; "Big in Japan: Technology, Art, and Osaka's Expo '70," W. Patrick McCray, University of California, Santa Barbara, United States Bodies and Technologies Chair: Achintya Kumar Dutta, University of Burdwan, India Papers: "Keeping the Fighting Strength: Medicine and Knowledge of Bodies as Military Technology during Malaya's (Counter)Insurgency, 1948-60," Heong Hong Por, University of Malaya, Malaysia; "The Ironies of Surveillance: The Effects and Side Effects of Introducing Technologies for Tuberculosis Surveillance and Governance in South Korea," Kyuri Kim, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea; "Bones, Skins, and Joints: ANIMAC and the 'Body Language' of Computerized Motion," Alana Staiti, Cornell University, United States (Post)Colonialism, Infrastructures, and the Environment Organizers: Ute Hasenöhrl, University of Innsbruck, Austria, and Jonas van der Straeten, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany Chair: Julio Decker, University of Bristol, United Kingdom Papers: "Un-packing the Socio-Political Character of LTS: Issues Concerning Insemination and Donor Sperm," Chiaki Shira, Shizuoka University, Japan; "Motherhood and Prenatal Testing in Contemporary Japan," Azumi Tsuge, Meiji Gakuin University, Japan; "Pursuing Pregnancy in Contemporary Japan," Nana Okura Gagné, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Infrastructures of Risk and Disaster (Part II) Organizers: Yeonsil Kang, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea, and Scott Gabriel Knowles, Drexel University, United States Commentators: Kim Fortun, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, United States, Scott Gabriel Knowles, Drexel University, United States, and Lee Vinsel, Stevens Institute of Technology, United States Papers: "Japan Accident Investigation: Learning Process, Healing Process, or Forgetting Process?" Kohta Juraku, Tokyo Denki University, Japan; "Proof of Environmental-ness: Asbestos Risks and Their Evidence in South Korea," Yeonsil Kang, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea; "The Human as a System Component in Nuclear Installations: Jens Rasmussen and High-Risk Systems, 1961-83," Vivek Kant, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; "Methodologies for Acting upon Infrastructures of Slow Disaster?" Max Liboiron, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada Exploring the Historical Roots of Contemporary Conversations about Engineering Education Reform (Sponsored by Prometheans) Organizer: Atsushi Akera, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, United States Chair: Jeff Schramm, Missouri University of Science and Technology, United States Commentator: Bruce Seely, Michigan Technological University, United States Papers: "Engineering Education in Action: Reforms in Engineering Education in Twentieth-Century China," Jingjin Wang, Tsinghua University, China; "The Tension between Academic and Professional Values in Engineering Education: Comparing the Views of Carl Richard Söderberg and the CDIO Approach," Kristina Edström, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden; "Historical and Structural Foundations of the Proposed Changes in ABET's Accreditation Standards," Atsushi Akera, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, United States; "What Counts as a Practical Engineer: Policy Controversies over the Practical Capability in Engineering Education since 1949," Qin Zhu, Purdue University, United States THATCamp "Un-Roundtable" Organizers: Ellan F. Spero, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States, and Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore, Catelijne Coopmans and Eric Kerr, National University of Singapore Discussion: 2016 Singapore THATCamp Participants Presidential Roundtable-Phenomenotechnologies: Individual Perception, Collective Experience, and the History of Technology Organizer: Lino Camprubí, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Germany Chair: Daiwie Fu, Yang Ming University, Taiwan Commentators: Daiwie Fu, Yang Ming University, Taiwan, and Bruno Latour, Sciences Po, France Panelists: Lino Camprubí, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Germany; Javier Pérez-Jara, Beijing Foreign Studies University, China; Mareile Flitsch, Völkerkunde Museum der Universität Zürich, Switzerland Nationalizing Technologies in Postcolonial South Asia and East Asia Organizer: Aparajith Ramnath, Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode, India Papers: "Spanning the Brahmaputra: The Indian Government, Private Industry, and the First Bridge across Assam's Great River," William Logan, Auburn University, United States; "From Postwar Reconstruction to Nation-Building: The Evolution of Technical Education Policy in India, 1938-56," Aparajith Ramnath, Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode, India; "Industrial Education Becoming Chinese: National Identity, Political Visions, and Colonial Legacy in Early Postcolonial Taiwan (194549)," Po-Jen Bono Shih, Virginia Tech, United States, Gary Downey, Virginia Tech, United States, and Kuo-Hui Chang, National Taiwan University, Taiwan; "The Cold War in Rice Cookers: Gender and Kitchen Testing in Taiwan, 1950s-1970s," Hsien-yu Chin, Yang Ming University, Taiwan; "Developme t of Electricity in a Colonial Metropolis: Calcutta in the Early Twentieth Century," Suvobrata Sarkar, Burdwan University, India Oceans' Technologies Organizer: Hâkon With Andersen, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway Chair: William K. Storey, Millsaps College, United States Commentator: Nil Disco, University of Twente, Netherlands Papers: "Capturing the Power of the Ocean Waves: The Rise and Demise of a Research and Development Project for Ocean Wave Energy Conversion in Norway, 1970s-1990s," Thomas Brandt, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway; "Boundaries of Nature and the Nature of Boundaries: Offshore Technologies, Political Regimes, and Timor Sea Oil and Gas, 1963-75," Alex Grainger, Independent Scholar, United Kingdom; "Outer Space-Ocean Space: The Common Heritage of Remote Commons," Tizra Meyer, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway, and Johan Gèrdebo, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden; "Wind, Waves, and Ships," Hâkon With Andersen, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway Nuclear Dreams in the Asia-Pacific (Sponsored by Tembusu College) Organizer: Pang Yang Huei, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore Chair: Alan Chong, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Singapore Commentator: Ellan F. Spero, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States, and Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore Papers: "Strategic versus Scientific and Social Motivations: India's Discourse on Peaceful Nuclear Explosions During 1964-74," Kapil Patil, Indian Pugwash Society, India; "Malaysia's Nuclear Dreams: There Was Technology, and Then There Was Science," Clarissa Ai Ling Lee, National University of Malaysia; "Nuclear Medicine in Japan: Imported Prospects and Human Health," Loh Shilin, Harvard University, United States; "Revolution and Science: The Career of Qian Sanqiang," Pang Yang Huei, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore Roundtable: Technical Assistance and the History of Technology Organizers: John Paul DiMoia, National University of Singapore, Maria Rentetzi, University of Vienna, Austria, and Gisela Mateos and Edna Suárez-Díaz, National University of Mexico Chair: Suzanne Moon, University of Oklahoma, United States Papers: "The IAEA Technical Assistance Programs: Solving Policy Problems Through Scientific Collaboration," Maria Rentetzi, University of Vienna, Austria; "From 'Atoms for Peace' to Building a Domestic Program: The Legacy of Radioisotopes in South Korea, 1958-73," John Paul DiMoia, National University of Singapore; "Technical Assistance Re-creations of Development: The IAEA's Mobile Radioisotope Exhibition in Latin America (1960-65)," Gisela Mateos and Edna Suárez-Díaz, National University of Mexico; "Nuclear War against Insects: Technical Assistance Projects Promoted by the United Nations' Specialized Agencies in the Cold War Era," Karin Zachmann, Technische Universität München, Germany Infrastructures of Risk and Disaster (Part III) Organizers: Yeonsil Kang, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea, and Scott Gabriel Knowles, Drexel University, United States Commentators: Kim Fortun, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, United States, Scott Gabriel Knowles, Drexel University, United States, and Lee Vinsel, Stevens Institute of Technology, United States Papers: "Can We Blame the Weather?"




Secondary Title

Technology and Culture


Johns Hopkins University Press









Technology: Comprehensive Works, Cold War, Science, Politics, 20th century, Museums, Herbal medicine, Cultural differences, Chinese, Electric bridges, Space flight, Crashes, Measuring instruments, Aircraft accident investigation, Accident reconstruction, Anthropology, College students, Aircraft industry, Fluid flow, Mechanical engineering, Advertisements, Cultural background, Norwegian, Risk, German, Galaxies, Language culture relationship, Danish, Commercial aircraft, Mathematics, Films, Cultural change, Computer software, Airspace, Space exploration, Art, Standards, Engineering education, Collaboration, Agricultural management, Computer modeling and simulation, Restoration, Explosions, Residential buildings, Colonialism, Medicine, Ships, Communication, Animals, Nuclear explosions, Cultural identity, Launching, Business, Kinesics, Cities, Singapore, United Kingdom--UK, United States--US, Japan, Canada, South Korea, Sweden, Netherlands, Asia, China, Finland, Taiwan, Denmark, Australia, Germany

Form: Journal Article
Geographical Area: Singapore, Malaysia, Other

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