Thermogravimetric and Kinetic Analysis on Peat Combustion Through Coats-Redfern Fitting Model

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Indonesia possesses large peatland areas, around 21 Mha, and covers 36% of the world's tropical peatlands. With the appropriate land management, utilizing peat as an alternative fuel is extremely promising to ensure energy availability in the future. With that objective in mind, understanding the characteristics of peat combustion and the kinetic parameters is necessary for designing a combustion plant. This paper presents the peat combustion characteristics using thermogravimetric analysis. The peat sample was acquired from Sebangau, Palangkaraya, at a depth of 80 cm below the soil’s surface with a diameter of 40 mm. The sample was sun-dried for 8 h and oven-dried at a temperature of 90 °C for six hours, then was crushed and filtered using a size 60 mesh. The combustion was performed using a thermogravimetric (TG) analyzer at 10 °C/min heating rate from 25–1000 °C. The result reveals that three stages of decomposition occurred throughout the combustion process: the first stage being the moisture content evaporation stage; the second being the main decomposition and combustion process of organic matter; the last being solid residual decomposition. The mass-loss rate in stage II increased more rapidly along with the rise in combustion temperature within the range of 300–480 °C. The activation energy and pre-exponential factors, which were analyzed using the Coats-Redfern fitting model during the active combustion stage (154.18–524.97 °C), were 40.38 kJ/mol and 170.47 /min, respectively. View source

Prasetiyo A., Sukarni S.,



Secondary Title

Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering


Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH








Form: Conference Paper
Geographical Area: Indonesia

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